Videos & Images

Winner Country Living Pop Up Market
Tethera bags has won a pop up stall at the Country Living London Spring Fair.
Its very exciting to be chosen to be one of nine businesses exhibiting at the pop up market. It will be lots of fun to get the Tethera Bag in front people 1 to 1 !
We had such a great 1st show at the London Fly Fishing Fair, selling 8 bags!! And it was a terrific boost to have people coming up to have a feel of the bags and saying how impressed they were with them. I hope to be getting the same reaction this time round.
Pop Up Market
Country Living London Spring Fair
28th & 29th April
Alexandra Palace
Alexandra Palace Way
London N22 7AY

Come and see us!
Mar 15 2018
We will be doing our first retail show at the London Wing Shooting Fair.
23rd & 24th March
London Design Centre, 52 Upper Street , Islington, London N1 0QH
Say hello and see the bag!

The Bags Are Here
Jan 31 2018
Dear Backers,
Thanks for your patience the bags are now finished!! I have been wrapping them and sending them out, so will start to receive them soon.
You should get a email notification from the currier (Parcel Force), which will allow you to track your bag, check your junk mail in a few days if you haven't received it by the end of today.
It would be great if you could tag me (@monty.v.lewis) in any photos and videos of you getting the bag in the post. Any adventures with the bag on Instagram would be great too, use #tetherabag.
Thank you for making the Tethera happen!

Almost there!
Jan 9 2018
Dear All,
I went down to the manufacturer yesterday to pick up the bags. Before leaving with them I did a quality check and discovered that a couple of mistakes had been made. I left these bags at the factory to be rectified and took the rest home with me.
This morning I did a detailed check of the bags and have discovered that there was a critical mistake in all of the bags. It can be easily corrected but I am obviously rather annoyed that this was not spotted by the manufacturer. As a result I have returned all the bags to have this mistake put right.
I have to yet again disappoint you with the news that the bags are not yet in the post! I hope that you will understand, with the first production run of any product there are issues to be iron out. Please rest in the knowledge that I am ensuring absolutely no corners are cut and that bags will be to the standard that I personally would be happy with. I hope to have all the bags turned around quickly.
They will be worth the wait, I promise!

Dec 20 2017
Happy Christmas everyone!
I have just spent Friday and Monday down at the factory overseeing production. Quite a surreal experience, the machinist were all dressed as elves!
Manufacturing is now in full swing. I have told them to take their time over the bags and ensure quality is paramount, rather than rush production just too try and finish them before Christmas.
With that in mind it is likely that not all the bags will finished before Christmas, some will be finished early in January. I am sorry to disappointment those looking forward to unwrapping the Tethera on Christmas day!
But it will be extra special when you receive a beautifully packaged and made bag in January.
I hope are not too disappointed!
Happy Christmas Bonnes fêtes de Noël Fröhliche Weihnachten!
Keep looking on Instagram/Facebook for images of production

Dec 7 2017
Hello backers!
I’m just waiting for final confirmation that the bags will go into production on 15th December and I then I can head to the factory to oversee the manufacture, take some photos and do some filming of the process. They will be finished on 20th of December and I’ll get them posted to you straight away!
UK based backers should receive the bags in time for Christmas. Our further flung backers can look forward to a belated Christmas present to brighten up the New Year!
I’ve had a little more time to get creative and think about extending the range. Some initial ideas were different coloured canvas, perhaps a duck egg blue or sandy colour. There are also lots of different coloured buckles to chose from. See bellow.
What are your ideas ? What would you add to the create a range; a different colour, smaller bag, different style? More traditional hardware?
One thing I’d really like to do is a traditional tailored jacket, but in light weight waterproof fabric, one that doesn’t rustle, perhaps trim it with a little leather and waxed canvas around the cuffs or collar.
Looking forward to hearing your thoughts.
Merry Christmas!

Wax, leather, mud and petrol.
Nov 17 2017
Hi all,
I went to see the manufacturer last week, the patterns are about to be sent to the knife maker, who will create the knives. They are a bit like a pastry cutter you'd use for for scones, only a little more expensive and made uniquely the Tethera.
Once these are made and back at the factory production can start.
Yesterday I was in the south Lake District to do a photoshoot, I've got some great images. A big thanks to David and Norman who run Sapphire Motorcycles, two great guys and an impressive workshop.
Next update will be when the knives come back.

Reaching The Goal
Oct 23 2017
Thanks so much for your support!
Only 14 days to reach the Kickstarter funding goal!
Thats only 39 people who want a great bag!
I'm getting the word out there.
If you could spread the word.
Thanks Monty